===== Demetrio a Rodi =====
* 287
* [[http://www.di.uminho.pt/~jno/WS/fcr-171_0000_capa-capa_t24-C-R0150.pdf|Facsimile]]
==== Section 26: Scena 6.a [Aria Emirena] ====
=== Part 22: Emirena ===
T:Scena 6.a [Aria Emirena]
C:Pugnani, Gaetano (1731-1798)
V: 22 clef=alto1 name="Emirena" sname="Emi."
%%MIDI program 1 1
%%staves [[ 22 ]]
"^NB: Antandro to be added to this section " [K:C] zA/ A/ d d/ ^c/ | d/ d/ z3 | z3 \
w: Dun-que ce-der tu vu-oi
G/ G// A// | B/ B/ B/ B// c// d/ d/ d/ d// e// | c z3 | Z | z2 z/ \
B/ B/ B// e// | e// B// ^G// G// G/ G// A// B B/ B// c// | d// d// d// d// d/ B// A// ^G// G// G// A// B/ B// ^c// | A/ A/ A/ A// B// G// G// E// ^F// G/ G// A// | ^F z \
A/ A// d// d/ A// A// | c/ c/ c/> d/ BB/ c// d// | d/ G/ z d/ d/ d/ d// e// | c/ c/ G/ A/ _B/ B/ B/ c/ | A/ A/ A/ B// c// c/ G/z| Z || \
"_aria Emirena" [K:Eb] Z16 | z2z B | \
e4 | B4 | GGz \
B | c3 e/c/ | BBz \
B | f3A | \
"_tbc" X |\
Useful links: [[http://abcnotation.com/blog/2009/12/23/how-to-get-started-with-abc-notation/|Get Started With Abc]] [[http://abcnotation.com/examples|Abc Examples]] [[http://abcnotation.com/wiki/abc:standard:v2.1|Abc Standard]]
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