====== Nanetta e Lubino ======
===== Specification =====
import WikiScore
import Stave
import Abc
--------------------- Nanetta e Lubino --------------------------------------------------------
-- Prj attributes
namespace = A "namespace" "nanetta"
musicby = "Pugnani, Gaetano (1731-1798)"
title = A "title" "Nanetta e Lubino"
--facsimile = A "facsimile" "http://purl.pt/16734/1/P5.html"
facsimile = A "facsimile" "http://petrucci.mus.auth.gr/imglnks/usimg/c/cc/IMSLP116865-PMLP237473-Pugnani_Overture_a_8_-to_Nanetta_e_Lubino-_-D-_print.pdf"
libreto = A "libreto" "http://books.google.pt"
latex = A "latex" "\n%%pageheight\t29.7cm\n%%pagewidth\t21cm\n%%topmargin\t3cm\n%%botmargin\t2cm\n%%leftmargin\t1cm\n%%rightmargin\t1cm\n%%gchordfont Times-Roman 14\n%%titlefont Times-Roman 30\n%%subtitlefont Times-Roman 20\n%%composerfont Times-Italics 16\n%%measurebox true\n%%measurenb\t0\n%%scale\t\t0.7\n%%begintext justify\nDEMETRIO // A RODI // FESTA PER MUSICA // DA RAPPRESENTARSI NEL REGIO TEATRO // DI TORINO // PER LE NOZZE DELLE LL. AA. RR. VITTORIO EMANUELE // DUCA D' AOSTA // E // MARIA TERESA // ARCIDUCHESSA D'AUSTRIA // L'ANNO MDCCLXXXIX. // IN TORINO // Presso Onorato Derossi Librajo della Societa // de' Signori Cavalieri.\n%%endtext\n\n"
introd = A "Introduction" "Welcome to //Nanetta e Lubino//, a project of the **WikiScore** platform for cooperative edition of large scale scores using [[http://abcnotation.com/wiki/abc:standard:v2.1|ABC]] notation. This case study is the modern edition of a comic opera by Gaetano Pugnani (1731-1798) [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaetano_Pugnani|(Wikipedia)]] [[http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Page:A_Dictionary_of_Music_and_Musicians_vol_3.djvu/57|(Grove)]]. We are currently copying the Overture of this opera from the parts published by Welcker in Gerrard Street St. Ann's Soho around 1769.\n\nThe following multiple sources are available, manuscript score: [[http://utiledulci.musikverket.se/UD_select.php?lang=en&id=8922&t=composer&Comp1=Pugnani,%20Gaetano|HTML]] ; parts (original edition, 1769): [[http://utiledulci.musikverket.se/UD_select.php?lang=en&id=8938&t=composer&Comp1=Pugnani,%20Gaetano|HTML]].\n\nTo obtain the current version of the whole score press button \8220Build\8221 at the bottom-right corner of the matrix below.\n"
-- Prj Parts
pt1 = Prt 1 "treble" "Corno Primo [in D.]" "Cor.I" (Mid "1" "69") []
pt2 = Prt 2 "treble" "Corno Secondo [in D.]" "Cor. II" (Mid "1" "69") []
pt3 = Prt 3 "treble" "Oboe Primo" "Ob.I" (Mid "1" "68") []
pt4 = Prt 4 "treble" "Oboe Secondo" "Ob.II" (Mid "1" "68") []
pt5 = Prt 5 "treble" "Violino Primo" "Vl.I" (Mid "1" "40") []
pt6 = Prt 6 "treble" "Violino Secondo" "Vl. II" (Mid "1" "40") []
pt7 = Prt 7 "alto" "Viole" "Ve" (Mid "1" "41") []
pt8 = Prt 8 "bass" "Basso" "B." (Mid "1" "42") []
pt9 = Prt 9 "bass" "Basso Cimbalo" "C." (Mid "1" "7") []
-- Prj Stave
met = Sq [ pa [1,2] ]
mad = Sq [ pa [3,4] ]
str = Sq [ br [5,6], the 5, the 8 ]
base = [ Sq [ pa [1,2], pa [3,4], br [5,6], the 7, the 8, the 9 ] ]
-- Prj Sections
-- gurl n t = url (facfol n) t where facfol x = "http://purl.pt/16734/1/P"++x++".html"
status = A "status" "under edition"
shiftedBy n k = gurl (show (n+k)) (show n)
gurl s t = url (facfol s) t
where facfol s = "http://petrucci.mus.auth.gr/imglnks/usimg/c/cc/IMSLP116865-PMLP237473-Pugnani_Overture_a_8_-to_Nanetta_e_Lubino-_-D-_print.pdf"++"#page="++s
-- Sections
s1= Sct "Overture" 1
(Sel [1..9])
(MLK "C" "1/4" "D") [ A "fol." $ 1 `shiftedBy` 5, status ]
s2= Sct "Andantino" 2
(Sel [1..9])
(MLK "3/4" "1/4" "D") [ A "fol." $ 1 `shiftedBy` 5, status ]
-- the END
-- abbreviations
bss = 8
corn = [1,2]
obo = [3,4]
strings = [5..8]
prj = initWSPproject
[ title, facsimile, libreto, namespace, introd, latex ]
[ pt1 , pt2, pt3, pt4 , pt5 , pt6 , pt7 , pt8 , pt9]
where act1 = [ s1, s2 ]
main = prj2jsonFile prj
-- checking invariants
ok = (matrixOk prj) && (riSP prj) && (riSS prj) && (matts prj)
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