===== Nanetta e Lubino ===== * [[http://petrucci.mus.auth.gr/imglnks/usimg/c/cc/IMSLP116865-PMLP237473-Pugnani_Overture_a_8_-to_Nanetta_e_Lubino-_-D-_print.pdf#page=6|1]] * [[http://petrucci.mus.auth.gr/imglnks/usimg/c/cc/IMSLP116865-PMLP237473-Pugnani_Overture_a_8_-to_Nanetta_e_Lubino-_-D-_print.pdf|Facsimile]] ==== Section 1: Overture ==== === Part 1: Corno Primo [in D.] === X:101 T:Overture C:Pugnani, Gaetano (1731-1798) M:C L:1/4 K:D V: 1 clef=treble name="Corno Primo [in D.]" sname="Cor.I" %%MIDI program 1 69 %%staves [( 1 )] %------- [Q: "Allegro con spirito"] dzdz | dzz2 | dzdz | d2z2 | d2z2 | \ d2z2 | d2e2 | d z/a/ g f/e/ | d2e2 | d z/a/ g f/e/ | f4 | \ d4 | dzz2 |d4 | dzz2 | e4 | ezz2 | d4 | d4 | d4 | dzz2 | e4 | Z | e4 | A4 | ezz2 | Z | \ e4 | A4 | e4- | e4- | e4 | f4 | ezz2 | Z| ezz2 | Z | e4 | f2-f2| ezez | AAAz | A4 | A2Az | Z | AAAe | \ A4- | A2z2 | Z | AAA2 | d4- | d2z2 | Z | d/A/d/A/ d/f/e/A/ | dzz2 | Z | zagf | \ A4- | A4- | A4- | A4- | A4- | A4 | dzdz | d2z2 | dzdz | d2z2 | "NB:check ms at the end; Z4 replaced; by Z3" Z3 | \ zefg | f2ez| f2ez | f4 | e2fz|e2fz| A4- | A4- | A4- | A4 | dzz2 | dzf2 | efgf/e/ | f4 | \ efgf/e/ | f2z2 | fzez | dzze | dzze | dzzd | dzdz | Z | f2e2 | dzz2 | Z12 | !fermata! z4 |] \ W: W: In manuscript copy [Corno Primo in D]: W: "aria Rond\`o entra in A. W: Siegue Subito Andantino in D." %------- Useful links: [[http://abcnotation.com/blog/2009/12/23/how-to-get-started-with-abc-notation/|Get Started With Abc]] [[http://abcnotation.com/examples|Abc Examples]] [[http://abcnotation.com/wiki/abc:standard:v2.1|Abc Standard]] Jump to: [[nanetta:index|Project Index]] | | [[:start|Wiki Index]]