====== Tantum Ergo, Kyrie, Gloria e Credo ======
===== Specification =====
import WikiScore
import Stave
import Abc
------------------------ Tantum Ergo, Kyrie, Gloria e Credo --------------------------------
-- Prj attributes
namespace = A "namespace" "tantum"
musicby = "Bomtempo, Jo\\~ao Domingues (1771-1842)"
title = A "title" "Tantum Ergo, Kyrie, Gloria e Credo"
facsimile = A "facsimile" "http://purl.pt/25639/3/#/8"
--libreto = A ""
latex = A "latex" ""
introd = A "Introduction" "João Domingues Bomtempo (1771-1842) was a Portuguese composer, see e.g. the [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo%C3%A3o_Domingos_Bomtempo|(Wikipedia)]]. The score has the following annotation: \"Premiered at the Royal Chappel of Pena in Sintra and finished a few days before the composer died.\" (To be completed.)\n"
-- Prj Parts
pt1 = Prt 1 "treble" "Violino I" "Vl.I" (Mid "1" "40") []
pt2 = Prt 2 "treble" "Violino II" "Vl. II" (Mid "1" "40") []
pt3 = Prt 3 "alto" "Alto" "A." (Mid "1" "41") []
pt4 = Prt 4 "bass" "Violoncello" "Vc." (Mid "1" "42") []
pt5 = Prt 5 "bass" "Contra B." "CB." (Mid "1" "42") []
pt6 = Prt 6 "alto1" "Soprano" "S." Unspec []
pt7 = Prt 7 "alto" "Contralto" "C." Unspec []
pt8 = Prt 8 "tenor" "Tenore" "T." Unspec []
pt9 = Prt 9 "bass" "Basso" "B." Unspec []
pt10 = Prt 10 "treble" "Corno in F/Eb (Fa/Eb) I" "Cor.I" (Mid "1" "69") [A "transpose" "-7"]
pt11 = Prt 11 "treble" "Corno in F/Eb (Fa/Eb) II" "Cor.II" (Mid "1" "69") [A "transpose" "-7"]
-- Prj Stave
base = [ Sq [ pa [10,11], br [1,2], the 3, sq [6,7,8,9], the 4, the 5 ] ]
-- Prj Sections
-- gurl n t = url (facfol n) t where facfol x = "http://purl.pt/16734/1/P"++x++".html"
status = A "status" "just started"
shiftedBy n k = gurl (show (n+k)) (show n)
gurl s t = url (facfol s) t
where facfol s = "http://purl.pt/25639/4/mm-6001_PDF/mm-6001_PDF_24-C-R0150/mm-6001_0000_capa-capa_t24-C-R0150.pdf"++"#page="++s
-- Sections
s1= Sct "[Kyrie]" 1
(MLK "6/8" "1/8" "F")
[ A "fol." $ 7 `shiftedBy` 0, status ]
s2= Sct "Gloria" 2
(MLK "C" "1/4" "D")
[ A "fol." $ 24 `shiftedBy` 0, status ]
s3= Sct "Credo" 3
(MLK "C" "1/4" "Eb")
[ A "fol." $ 109 `shiftedBy` 0, status ]
s4= Sct "Sanctus" 4
(MLK "C" "1/4" "Eb")
[ A "fol." $ 164 `shiftedBy` 0, status ]
s5= Sct "Agnus Dei" 5
(MLK "6/8" "1/8" "F")
[ A "fol." $ 177 `shiftedBy` 0, status ]
s6= Sct "Tantum Ergo" 6
(MLK "C" "1/4" "Eb")
[ A "fol." $ 191 `shiftedBy` 0, status ]
-- the END
-- abbreviations
prj = initWSPproject
[ title, facsimile, namespace, introd, latex ]
[ pt1 , pt2, pt3, pt4 , pt5 , pt6 , pt7 , pt8, pt9, pt10, pt11 ]
[ s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6 ]
main = prj2jsonFile prj
-- checking invariants
ok = (matrixOk prj) && (riSP prj) && (riSS prj) && (matts prj)
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