====== Verbum caro factum est ====== ===== Specification ===== {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} import WikiScore import Stave import Abc -- VerbumCaro EXAMPLE -- Prj attributes namespace = A "namespace" "verbumcaro" title = A "title" "Verbum caro factum est" facsimile = A "source" "https://www.cpdl.org/wiki/images/6/6e/Verbum_caro_y_la_Virgen.pdf" introd = A "Introduction" "\nCancionero de Uppsala, 16c. (To be completed)\n\nNB: this very simple project is often used to introduce newcomers to the WikiScore. Please restore the version you edited after your experiments.\n" -- Prj Parts pt1 = Prt 1 "treble" "Soprano" "S." Unspec [] pt2 = Prt 2 "treble" "Contralto" "C." Unspec [] pt3 = Prt 3 "treble-8" "Tenor" "T." Unspec [] pt4 = Prt 4 "bass" "Baixo" "B." Unspec [] -- Prj Sections s1= Sct "Tuti" 1 All (MLK "3/4" "1/8" "G") [] s2= Sct "Solo Fem" 2 (Sel [1,2]) (MLK "3/4" "1/8" "G") [] s3= Sct "Solo Tenor" 3 (Sel [3,4]) (MLK "3/4" "1/8" "G") [] s4= Sct "Solo Soprano" 4 (Sel [1]) (MLK "3/4" "1/8" "G") [] s5= Sct "Tuti final" 5 All (MLK "3/4" "1/8" "G") [] -- etc prj = initWSPproject "Verbum-Caro" "Anon, 16th century" [ title, namespace, introd, facsimile ] [ pt1 , pt2 , pt3 , pt4] [ s1, s2, s3, s4 , s5 ] [ sq [ 1,2,3,4]] main = prj2jsonFile prj | [[verbumcaro:index|Back to project index]]