Duet; vl (2); Ges-Dur


import WikiScore
import Stave
import Abc

--------------------- Sinfonia (in F) ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Prj attributes
namespace = A "namespace" "abbate"
musicby   = "Costa, Abade António da (1714-c1780)"
title     = A "title" "Duet; vl (2); Ges-Dur"
facsimile = A "facsimile" "https://digital.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/werkansicht/?PPN=PPN1698231105"
--libreto   = A ""
latex     = A "latex" "<code>\n%%pageheight\t29.7cm\n%%pagewidth\t21cm\n%%topmargin\t3cm\n%%botmargin\t2cm\n%%leftmargin\t1cm\n%%rightmargin\t1cm\n%%gchordfont    Times-Roman 14\n%%titlefont     Times-Roman 30\n%%subtitlefont  Times-Roman 20\n%%composerfont  Times-Italics 16\n%%measurebox    true\n%%measurenb\t0\n%%scale\t\t0.7\n%%begintext justify\n..........................................\n%%endtext\n

\n“ introd = A “Introduction” “Abott Ant\243nio da Costa (1714-1780?) was a Portuguese musician who, \nborn in the Porto region, left the country in 1749 for Rome, from where he \nsettled in Vienna, where he is thought to have died around 1780.\n”

– Prj Parts

pt1 = Prt 1 “treble” “Violino I.mo” “Vl.I” (Mid “1” “40”) [] pt2 = Prt 2 “treble” “Violino II.do” “Vl.II” (Mid “1” “40”) []

– Prj Stave

base = [ Sq [ the 1, the 2 ] ]

– Prj Sections

status = A “status” “started”

shiftedBy n k = gurl (show (n+k)) (show n)

gurl s t = url (facfol s) t

         where facfol s = "https://digital.onb.ac.at/RepViewer/viewer.faces?doc=DTL_5341903&order=1&view=SINGLE"++"#page="++s

– Sections

s1= Sct ”[D1] Allegro ma non troppo“ 1

      (MLK "2/4" "1/4" "Gb") [ A "fol.2" "", status ]

s2= Sct ”[D1] Lento ma poco“ 2

      (MLK "3/4" "1/4" "Gb") [ A "fol.4" "", status ]

s3= Sct ”[D1] Presto“ 3

      (MLK "2/4" "1/4" "Gb") [ A "fol.4" "", status ]

– the END

prj = initWSPproject

           [ title, facsimile, namespace, introd, latex ]
           [ pt1 , pt2 ]
           [ s1, s2, s3 ]

main = prj2jsonFile prj

– checking invariants

ok = (matrixOk prj) && (riSP prj) && (riSS prj) && (matts prj)

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