Kyrie, Gloria


import WikiScore
import Stave
import Abc

------------------------  Tantum Ergo, Kyrie, Gloria e Credo  --------------------------------
-- Prj attributes
namespace = A "namespace" "carvalho"
musicby   = "Carvalho, Jo\\~ao de Sousa (1745-1798)"
title     = A "title" "Kyrie, Gloria"
facsimile = A "facsimile" ""
--libreto   = A ""
latex     = A "latex" ""
introd = A "Introduction" "João de Sousa Carvalho (22 February 1745 – c. 1798) was the foremost Portuguese composer of his generation. (To be completed.)\n"

-- Prj Parts

pt1  = Prt  1   "treble"   "Oboe I"     "Ob.I"   (Mid "1" "68") []
pt2  = Prt  2   "treble"   "Oboe II"    "Ob.II"  (Mid "1" "68") []
pt3  = Prt  3   "bass"     "Corni I"    "Cor.I"  (Mid "1" "69") []
pt4  = Prt  4   "bass"     "Corni II"   "Cor.II" (Mid "1" "69") []
pt5  = Prt  5   "treble"   "Tromba I"   "Trb. I" (Mid "1" "56") []
pt6  = Prt  6   "treble"   "Tromba II"  "Trb.II" (Mid "1" "56") []
pt7  = Prt  7   "treble"   "Violini I"  "Vl.I"   (Mid "1" "40") []
pt8  = Prt  8   "treble"   "Violini II" "Vl. II" (Mid "1" "40") []
pt9  = Prt  9   "alto"     "Viole"      "V."     (Mid "1" "41") []
pt10 = Prt 10   "bass"     "[Basso]"    "B."     (Mid "1" "42") []
pt11 = Prt 11   "alto1"    "Soprano"    "S."     Unspec  []
pt12 = Prt 12   "alto"     "Contralto"  "C."     Unspec  []
pt13 = Prt 13   "tenor"    "Tenore"     "T."     Unspec  []
pt14 = Prt 14   "bass"     "Basso"      "B."     Unspec  []

-- Prj Stave

base = [ Sq [ pa [1,2], pa [3,4], pa [5,6], br [7,8], the 9, sq [11,12,13,14], the 10 ] ]

-- Prj Sections

status     = A "status" "just started"

shiftedBy n k = gurl (show (n+k)) (show n)

gurl s t = url (facfol s) t
           where facfol s = ""++"#page="++s

-- Sections

s1= Sct "[Kyrie]" 1
        (MLK "C" "1/4" "C")
        [ A "fol." $ 4 `shiftedBy` 0, status ]
s2= Sct "Gloria" 2
        (MLK "C" "1/4" "G")
        [ A "fol." $ 30 `shiftedBy` 0, status ]

-- the END

-- abbreviations

prj = initWSPproject
             [ title, facsimile, namespace, introd, latex ]
     [ pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4, pt5, pt6, pt7, pt8, pt9, pt10, pt11, pt12, pt13, pt14 ]
             [ s1, s2 ]

main = prj2jsonFile prj

-- checking invariants

ok = (matrixOk prj) && (riSP prj) && (riSS prj) && (matts prj)

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