Sacred works


import WikiScore
import Stave
import Abc

---------------------------------   Sacred works --------------------------------------------
-------------------------------          by          ----------------------------------------
-------------------------------  Antonio da Silva Leite -------------------------------------

-- Prj attributes

namespace = A "namespace" "leite"
musicby   = "Antonio da Silva Leite (1759-1833)"
title     = A "title" "Sacred works"
facsimile = A "facsimile" "" -- NB: add other files
introd = A "Introduction" "António da Silva Leite (1759-1833) was chapel master at Oporto cathedral and other musical-liturgical groupings that in his time flourished in this town. He wrote many, varied pieces of religious music, used for years in church services almost everywhere in the country. He also composed countless works of profane music of varying style. His interest in the guitar materialized into the first textbook about this instrument published in Portugal (1796)."

-- Prj Parts

pt01 = Prt 1	"treble"	"Violino 1"	"Vl.1"		(Mid "1" "40")	[]
pt02 = Prt 2	"treble"	"Violino 2"	"Vl.2"	(Mid "1" "40")	[]
pt03 = Prt 3	"bass"	"Violoncelo"	"Vc."		Unspec 	[]
pt04 = Prt 4	"bass"	"Basso"	"B."		(Mid "1" "43")	[]
pt05 = Prt 5	"treble"	"Orgao"	"O."		(Mid "1" "1")	[]
pt06 = Prt 6	"bass"	""	""	(Mid "1" "1") [A "obs" "bass of 6"]
pt07 = Prt 7	"alto1"	"Voz"	"V."		Unspec	[]
pt08 = Prt 8	"alto1"	"Tiple 1"	"T.1"		Unspec	[]
pt09 = Prt 9	"alto1"	"Tiple 2"	"T.2"		Unspec	[]
pt10 = Prt 10	"alto"	"Alto"	"A."		Unspec	[]
pt11 = Prt 11	"bass"	"Basso"	"B."		Unspec	[]

-- Prj Stave
voices = sq [7..11]
base = [ Sq [ br [1,2], voices, the 3, the 4, br [5,6] ] ]

-- Prj Sections

-- abbreviations
voz = 7
tiples = [8,9]
org = [5,6]
strings = [1..3]

-- abbreviations

shiftedBy n k = gurl (show (n+k)) (show n)

gurl s t = url (facfol s) t
           where facfol s = verso++"#page="++s


===== Links =====

    * [[|facsimile [S1]]]
    * [[http:....|PDF [S2]]] - to become available soon
    * [[http:....|PDF [S3]]] - to become available soon
    * [[|PDF [S4]]]

-- Prj Sections

s1= Sct "Motete" 1
        (Sel $ voz:org)
	(MLK "3/4" "1/4" "F") [ A "fol." "1", js ]
s2= Sct "Duo (...) Sr.a Gertrudes" 2
        (Sel [])
	(MLK "C" "1/4" "G") [ A "fol." "1", js ]
s3= Sct "Solo com VV.os Orgao e Basso" 3
        (Sel $ 1:2:8:9:10:11:org)
	(MLK "C" "1/4" "G") [ A "fol." "1", js ]
s4= Sct "Verso Miserere" 4
        (Sel $ 1:2:3:tiples++[10,11])
	(MLK "C|" "1/4" "Bb") [ A "fol." "1", js ]

-- where

status     = A "status" "under edition" -- default
hw         = A "status" "half-way"
js         = A "status" "just started"
vo         = A "status" "void"

-- Abbreviations

-- Main

prj = initWSPproject
             [ title, facsimile, namespace, introd ]
             [ pt01 , pt02 , pt03 , pt04 , pt05 , pt06, pt07 , pt08 , pt09 , pt10 , pt11 ]
             [s1, s2, s3, s4]

main = prj2jsonFile prj

-- checking invariants

ok = (matrixOk prj) && (riSP prj) && (riSS prj) && (matts prj) 

-- Helper functions

-- done

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