Demetrio a Rodi

Section 29: [Demetrio]

Part 19: Demetrio

C:Pugnani, Gaetano (1731-1798)
V: 19 clef=tenor name="Demetrio" sname="Dem."
%%MIDI program 1 1
%%staves [[ 19 ]]
   [K:D] [Q:"Allegro assai"] Z | zz/A,/ D/ D/ D/ F/ | D/ D/zz2|z/\
w: Co-si son io de-lu-so
   A,/ D/ C/ D// D// D// D// D/ D// D// | C/ C/ C/ >C/ F/ F/ z | z A,/ B,/ =C D/ A,/ | B,/ B,/ zz2 | D D/ C/ B,/ B,/ z// B,// B,// =C// |
w: a tan-ti'af-fet-ti del-l'a-man-te mio cor co-sì spi-eta-ta Eu-ri-di-ce tu sei?_ tu~non ra-mm-en-ti il mio po-
   Dzz/ D/ D/ E/ | =Czzz/ C/ | =B,B,z/ {F}D/ {B,}A,/ {A,}G,/ | C C zz/ _B,/ | A,/ A,/ z/ ^C/ E/ E/ z/ =F/ |
w: ter il mio va-lor? ma guar-da l'a-ffa-nno mio_ ma te-mi lo vog-lio oh
   D/ D/ z/ D/ D/> D/ D/> C/ | C/ C/ z/ E// G// G _B,/ C/ | A,z/ C// C// _F {_E}E/ {D}C/ | D z z/ D/ =E/ =F/  |F/ =C/ zz2 ||
w: Dei_ a va-ci-llar mi sen-to nell'_ecce-sso cru-del nell' ec-ce-sso cru-del  del mio tor-men-to.

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