
Welcome to Wiki::Score, a platform similar to the Wikipedia for cooperative editing of large scale music scores (eg. operas, symphonies, cantatas etc). Wiki::Score is a wiki which, using the ABC notation for music representation, is primarily intended for publishing modern editions of unknown works buried in music archives. It has emerged from experience in the lab sessions of the Computing for Musicology course of the Music degree of the University of Minho.

The basic principle is that of dividing a large score into a matrix of elementary music cells (eg. the flute part of the first movement of a particular symphony) so that many collaborators can work concurrently on the same source. Matrices have as many columns as sections in the work being edited (eg. an aria of an opera) and as many rows as parts (eg. the soprano part). At any time collaborators can build the score of the section they are editing, modulo selection of the parts of interest, and checking the outcome in Abc, PDF, MIDI etc.

Please see below how to contribute to Wiki::Score.

Wiki::Score finds its early motivation in our aim to contribute to bringing to light the vast number of autograph scores of 17c-18c operas which are kept in Portuguese archives, namely in the Ajuda and National Libraries. Of course, this can be applied to any other sources and funds from anywhere in the world.

Acknowledgements: we acknowledge the fabulous work of Biblioteca Nacional Digital and other European digital libraries mentioned below, without which this work would never be possible.

One of our pilot projects is the opera Demetrio a Rodi in the table below. It is made of 41 sections and involves 28 parts (instruments and voices).

Pilot projects

Click a project's Name to have access to its parts matrix:

Name Kind Composer Text Date Archive Source Status Obs. Certified Score
Various works 16/17c church music Manuel Cardoso (1566–1650) Évora, Lisbon, 17c tba
Four Responsories for Matins on Christmas Day 17c church music D. Pedro da Esperança (?-1660) Coimbra, 17c Univ. Coimbra Archives M.M.18, fols. 40-48 completed, needs final revision Hodie Nobis (2nd Response); O Magnum Misterium (4th Response) ; Beata Dei Genitrix (5th Response) ; Beata Viscera Mariae Virgins (7th Response) tba
Sonata for Violin and Bass in A major (B4) chamber music Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770) 18c Staatsbibliothek Berlin manuscript score PDF completed, needs final revision Sonata à Violino, e Basso / Del / Sig.r Giuseppe Tartini / Composta dal / Sopra lo stile che suona / il Prette dalla Chitarra / Portoghese tba
Sinfonia (in F) baroque symphony Francisco António de Almeida (c1702-?1755) (Wikipedia) Lisbon or Rome, 18c Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Dresden Mus.2655-N-1 completed, needs final revision Sinfonia co., Oboi, Corni, Viola e Basso (…) del Sig.r Almeyda tba
Gloria, Fama, Virtu cantata António Teixeira (1707-1774) (Wikipedia) Lisbon, 18c Biblioteca Nacional Digital, Lisbon CDU 78.089.6 784.5 completed, needs final revision Cantata a 3 voci concertata con Violini, Obuè Flauti Trombe, e Corni da Caccia: Nº 2 : Gloria, Fama, Virtù / Del Sig. Antonio Teixeira, [1734-1750]. - Manuscript score, 58 f., 21×28 cm tba
Sinfonia in D# a 8 voci symphony Davide Perez (1711-1778) (Wikipedia) 18c Utile Dulci collection, Sweden source completed, needs final revision Sinfonia Nr. 32 Del Sig. Perez tba
Three Trios for 3 Violins chamber music Antonio da Costa (1714-1780?) 18c Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna manuscript score Mus.Hs.3789 completed, needs final revision Drei Sonaten für drei Violinen tba
Duet for 2 Violins chamber music Antonio da Costa (1714-1780?) 18c Staatsbibliothek Berlin, Berlin manuscript score Mus. Ms 320 completed, needs final revision Duets; vl (2); Ges-Dur tba
O vos omnes qui transitis per viam (motet) chamber music Antonio da Costa (1714-1780?) 18c Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica, Bologna, Italy manuscript score EE.147 needs checking O vos omnes qui transitis per viam a 4 soprani con accompagnamento di 4 violini in cm tba
O vos omnes qui transitis per viam (motet) chamber music Antonio da Costa (1714-1780?) 18c Museo internazionale e biblioteca della musica, Bologna, Italy manuscript score EE.148 forthcoming O vos omnes qui transitis per viam, in Fa a cinque soprani soli senza alcun accompagnamento. - Partitura ms. in 4°, di carte 14 tba
Nanetta e Lubino opera buffa (overture) Gaetano Pugnani (1731-1798) (Wikipedia) (Grove) Libretto by Carlo Francesco Badini London, 1769 Utile Dulci collection, Sweden manuscript score: HTML ; parts (original edition, 1769): IMSLP nearly finished tba
Kyrie, Gloria church music João de Sousa Carvalho (1745-1798) (Wikipedia) Lisbon, 1775 Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon PDF on-going Missa a quattro voce : con Violini e con Strumenti da fiato obligati / Originale di Gio. Souza Carvalho 1775. tba
Demetrio a Rodi opera Gaetano Pugnani (1731-1798) (Wikipedia) (Grove) Libretto by Giandomenico Boggio and Giuseppe Banti Torino, 1789 Biblioteca Nacional Digital, Lisbon manuscript score FCR-171 on-going 48 p. Libretto Demetrio a Rodi: festa per musica da rappresentarsi nel Regio teatro di Torino per le nozze delle LL. AA. RR. Vittorio Emanuele) by Giandomenico Boggio and Giuseppe Banti. Published by Presso O. Derossi in 1789 tba
Fiat Misericordia church music João de Sousa Carvalho (1745-1798) (Wikipedia) Lisbon, 1794 Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon PDF completed, needs checkout Fiat Misericordia / Solo de Contralto con Violini, Oboé, Corni, Violi, Fagotti e Bassi / Feito para se cantar na Real Capela de N. S. da Ajuda em dia de S. Silvestre en lugar do Cheio que está na Partitura grande. Pelo Sr. João de Sousa Carvalho / em o ano de 1794 tba
Te Deum : a 8 voci con Strumenti church music Totti, Giuseppe, 17??-1832 (IMSLP) Liturgic text Lisbon, 1795 Biblioteca Nacional Digital, Lisbon autograph score: on-going tba
Sacred Works church music António da Silva Leite (1759-1833) on-going tba
Tantum Ergo, Kyrie, Gloria e Credo church music João Domingos Bomtempo (1771-1842) (Wikipedia) Lisbon, 1842 Biblioteca Nacional Digital, Lisbon finished, now checking Tantum Ergo, Kyrie, Gloria e Credo escripto, composto e oferecido a S.M.F. El Rei D. Fernando por João Domingues Bomtempo, Anno 1842 tba
A Vivandeira operetta Eduardo Fonseca (1863-1938) (Wikipedia) Text by A.B. Alves de Lemos Porto, 1913 private archive autograph score: PDF ; vocal parts: PDF ; vocal parts: PDF ; completed, needs final revision Children operetta written for the Asylum of Escola Municipal nr. 1, Porto, where it was performed on the 27th of April, 1913 tba
Verbum caro factum est 16c vocal music Anonymous Liturgic 16c Uppsala University Library printed original on-going the first Wiki::Score demo

How to contribute

Please send an e-mail to and ask for a user registration for editing current projects. Contributors knowing of other sources which they would like to publish are welcome to send us a link to the source, for the project to be created.

In case you don't know the ABC notation only a mild effort is required to learn its basics. Have a look at the examples in Abc Examples. Link Get Started With Abc will help you to get started. The standard of the notation can be found in Abc Standard.

In case you are familiar with web editors you can copy the contents of the cell you want to change into this editor, edit it there and paste the outcome back to Wkiki::score.

If you are using Firefox this can be further automated: see How to contribute with EasyABC in 5 steps

Try your first contribution in one of the parts of Pugnani's opera Demetrio a Rodi, for instance - the source is quite readable.



Developers: N. Carvalho, J.J. Almeida, J.N. Oliveira, A. Simões (all DIUM). ABC support: Guido Gonzato (Univ. Verona). Musicologist: Elisa Lessa (ILCH). Technical support: J.L. Faria (DIUM).



  • abcm2ps for creating PS documents from an ABC source
  • abc2midi for creating Midi files from an ABC sources
  • DokuWiki the wiki used
  • ABC Plugin for DokuWiki for music displaying
  • EasyABC - open source ABC editor for Windows, OSX and Linux


Wiki-Score acknowledges the support of the following institutions.

start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/23 14:59 by jno
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