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Demetrio a Rodi

Section 36: Scena ultima [Aria Apolline]

Part 25: Apolline

T:Scena ultima [Aria Apolline]
C:Pugnani, Gaetano (1731-1798)
V: 25 clef=alto1 name="Apolline" sname="Apo."
%%MIDI program 1 1
%%staves [[ 25 ]]
% Libretto: page 39
[L:1/8] d A A A/ d/ ^c/ c/ c/ e/ e G/ A/ | ^F F F F/ G/ A/ A/ A/ B/ c c/ d/ | [Q:"Allegretto"] B2z2z4| Z | \
w: Ro-di so-no'a-me gra-te ques-te vi-cti-me tu-e, e il'mio fa-vo-re ve-glia so-pra di te.
   z4 d2 B A | ^G/ G/ G/ G/ G G/ A/ B B \  
w:  Tra l'ar-mi'os-ti-li,'on-de sei cin-ta in-tor-no,
   z/B/ d/ ^c/ | A2 z2 e2  e/ e/ ^c/ B/ | ^A A z \
w: non pa-ven-tar; che le rac-col-te schie-re
   ^c/ ^d/ e2 e  ^d | B2 z2z4 | z \
w: ti mi-nac-ciano in-van.
   ^F B ^A B B B B/ ^c/ | A/ A/ A/ A/ A ^G/ A/ ^F/ F/ ^d/ ^f/ f A/ B/ | ^G G z3/2  \
w: Ne ques-ta fia l'es-tre-ma vol-ta, che al ne-mi-co in-sul-to in-vin-ci-bil tu si-a.
   B/ B/ A/ ^G/ G/ G/ G/ G/ G// A// | B B B ^c/ d/ d ^G z \
w: Bar-ba-re squa-dre col vol-ge-re degl' an-ni in-fier ci-men-to
%: original is: Bar-ba-re squa-dre ti por-ran-no in pe-ri-gli-o
   E | B B B> ^c A2 z2 | Z4\
w: por-ran-no'il tuo va-lor

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demetrio/s36p25.1431537223.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/13 19:13 by jno
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