Demetrio a Rodi

Section 9: Aria Emirena

Part 22: Emirena

T:Aria Emirena
C:Pugnani, Gaetano (1731-1798)
V: 22 clef=alto1 name="Emirena" sname="Emi."
%%MIDI program 1 1
%%staves [[ 22 ]]
[Q:"Andante"] z// |Z3 | [Q:"Allegro"]  Z16 | z3 z/>G/ | [Q:"Adagio"] {d}e z/>c/ f z/>d/ | B!fermata!Bz2 |\
w: Nel tuo ta-cer in-ten-do
[Q:"Allegro"] G G/> G/ G>G | A/ G/ zz2 | G G/> G/ G>f |  \
w: quel-lo che dir non vu-oi quel-lo che dir non
   e/d//c//cz2 | A A3/4 A//Ac/A/ | {A}GGz2 | BB3/4 d//d3/2f/ | ^d/e/eze | c3/2c/c3/2^F/ | Gzz2 | \
w: vu---oi, ed il des-tin com--pren-do ed il des-tin com-pren--do del po-ve-ro mio cor.
   d c/> B/B3/2d/ | ccz2 | {d}cB3/4 A//A3/2c/ | BBz2 | {c}BA3/4 G//A3/2c/| dDz2 | \ 
w: Nel tuo ta-cer in-ten-do quel-lo che dir non vu-oi quel-lo che dir non vu-oi
   (A3/4B/8c/8) B/> A/ (^G/<A/) (c/<A/) | ^FGz2 | \ 
w: ed__ il des-tin_ com--pren-do
   z2z c/<A/ | ^FGz B | A/e/ c/A/ G>A | \
w: com--pren-do del po--ve--ro mio
   G//A//G//^F// G/z/ A//B//A//^G// A/z/ | \
w: cor____ * ____
   x2"[sic]" f2 & "_NB: check lirics here " B/c/d/e/ f//e//=d//c// B//A//G//F// | \
w: *_  
   "[sic]"ex3 & E (^d/<e/) (=d/<c/) B/<A/ | G2 {B}A2 | d2 =f2| e2-e/g/ e/c/ | B/dgbB/ & B4| A4 | Gzz2 | Z3 | z2z \
w: del'pove-ro mio cor del po__ve_
   z/>g/| g z/>d/ d>{c}B | GGz2 | \
w: Ah fate, o gius-ti De-i,
   z2c2- | c =B/>c/ d>d | d c (G>g) | (g/f/) (d/=B/) G>f| f/_e/ e z \
w: che il ca-ro mio te-so-ro che il ca-ro mi--o te-so--ro
   e | _e>e _d>d | {d}ccz2 | \
w: de' tris-ti'af-fan-ni mi-ei
   c/_B/ _e3/4 _B/4 (B/_A/) (G/F/) | _Ezz \
w: sen--ta pie-ta--de'an--cor
   _B | _e>e _d>d | _d/c/cz2 | \
w: de' tris-ti'af-fan-ni mi--ei
   {c}_B  _e3/4 _B/4 (B/_A/) (G/F/) | {c}_B  _e3/4 _B/4 (B/_A/) (G/F/) | _Ezz \
w: sen-ta pie-ta--de'an--cor pie--ta--de'an--cor
   "^Rec.vo" e || [Q:"Adagio"] e=d z3/4[G=B]// [=Bd]3/4 [df]// | [c_e][c_e] z2 | \
w: Ah fa-te, che'il mio te-so-ro,
   c c/> c/ c>^f&x2x>^F || [Q:"Tempo di Prima"] gz3&Gx3 | Z4 | z2zz/  \
w: sen-ta pie-ta-de'an-cor
   G/ | e z/>c/ f z/>d/ | {c}BBz2 | \
w: Nel tuo ta-cer in-ten-do 
   G G/> G/ G>G | {A}GGz2 | \
w: quel-lo che dir non vuoi_
   G G/> G/ G>f | (e/d//c//) cz \
w: quel-lo che dir non vuoi___
   c | c>c c>=e|fcz \
w: ed il des-tin com-pren-do
   c| _B>gg>_B|A zz\  
w: del po-ve-ro mio cor 
   f/e/| d>dd>c|=Bzz2|\  
w: del_ po-ve-ro mio cor
   (d3/4e/8f/8) e/ d/ (^c/<d/) (f/<d/)| =B/c/cz2|\ 
w: del__ tu-o ta-cer in--ten--do
   (d3/4e/8f/8) e/> d/ (^c/<d/) (f/<d/)| =Bcz2 | \ 
w: que--lo che_ dir_ non_ vu-oi
   e e/ g/ f/e/ d/c/ | g G z G | A z/c/ B z/d/ | cc z d | e z/g/ f z/a/ | g z "_TBC" X

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