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Demetrio a Rodi

Section 1: Overtura

Part 3: Tromba I

C:Pugnani, Gaetano (1731-1798)
V: 3 clef=treble name="Tromba I" sname="Trb. I"
%%MIDI program 1 56
%%staves [( 3 )]
[I:MIDI= channel 3 MIDI= program  3 56]
D//| D z3/4 F// F z3/4 A// | A A z z3/4 D// | D z3/4 F// F z3/4 A//| AAzf|efef| eezf|efef|e2 z2| x4 | z4 | z4 | DFAz | z4 | z4 | z4 | z z/d/ A/d/A/d/ | A z/d/ A/d/A/d/ | AAAA | AAAA | AAAA | A2 !fermata!z2 | z4 |x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4| d4 -| d4-| d4| dddz | z4 | z4 | e2 f2 | eeez| A4 | A z z2 | z/ d/d/d/ d z | e4-| e z z2 | eee z | z4 | A/>A/A/>A/ A/>A/A/>A/| A z z2 | A/>A/A/>A/ A/>A/A/>A/| A z z2 | AAAz | x4| ezee | e4| ezee|e4|ezee|e4|Azz2|z4|z4|z4|z4|x4|x4|x4|A/A//A// A/A//A// A/A//A// A/A//A//|A/A//A// A/A//A// A/A//A// A/A//A//| AAAz|z4|z4|z4|z4|z4|z4|z4| AAAz|z4|AAAz|z4|AzAz|AzAz|Aef2| e2ee|A2f2|e2ee|AAAA|AAAA|A2 !fermata! z2 || [M:2/4] [K:C] [L:1/8] [Q: "Andantino" 1/2=30] x| x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 |x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 ||[M:C] [L:1/4] [Q:1/2=70]  z4 |x4|x4|x4|Azed|ezed|eAAA|A2 !fermata! z2 || [K: D] z4|x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 | x4 |z4| d4|d4-|d4-|d4| z4|dzz2| d f f/e/d/e/|dzz2|A4|z4|z4| "(1)" d z/ d/ d/A/F/D/ | A z/A/ A A | eeez | d z z2 | z4|z4|z4|z4| x4|x4| z4| dzz2|z4|dzz2|x4|z2d2|d4|d4|d4-|d4-|d4|d/d/ d z2|dzz2|dzz2|d4|dzdz|ffee|dzz2|z4|dzz2|z4|z/A/d/A/ d/A/d/A/|d d d d/>d/|dzdz|dzz2||"(2)" [K:F] [L:1/4] [Q: "Allegro Maestoso" 1/2=60] x3/8 |x4|czz2|x4|czz2|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|d/>d/d/>d/ d/>d/d/>d/|d/>d/d/>d/ d/>d/d/>d/| d d z2 |x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|czz2|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|c4-|c4-|c4-|c4-|c4|czcz|x4|G/G//G// G z2| x4|G/G//G// G z2|x4|x4| c4-|c4-|c4-|x4|czed| czz2|eedd|czz2|eedd|czc/e/c/e/|czc/e/c/e/| czz2|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|"(3)" x3 g/z/| a/ z/ g/ z/ f/ z/ e/ z/|d3 g|agbc'| bgzg/z/|a/ z/ g/ z/ f/ z/ e/ z/| d/d//d// d/d/ d z |x4|x4|x4|x4| x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|dddz|d4|dddz|d4|dddf|eded|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|x4|"(4)" x4 |]

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demetrio/s1p3.1338051040.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/06/02 15:24 (external edit)
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