import WikiScore
import Stave
import Abc
--------------------- Gloria, Fama, Virtu ----------------------------------------------------
--------------------- by ----------------------------------------------------
--------------------- Antonio Teixeira ----------------------------------------------------
-- Prj attributes
namespace = A "namespace" "gloria"
musicby = "Antonio Teixeira (1707-1774)"
title = A "title" "Gloria, Fama, Virtu"
facsimile = A "facsimile" ""
introd = A "Introduction" "Antonio Teixeira (14 May 1707-after 1769) was a Portuguese composer. He was born in Lisbon and died in the same town. A royal scholar in Rome from 1714 to 1728, he is perhaps better known from his monumental Te Deum (20-voice, 8 soloists, available on CD) written for a New Year's Eve performance in 1734 in the Italian Church of his home city. More in"
-- Prj Parts
pt1 = Prt 1 "treble" "Tromba I" "Trb.I" (Mid "1" "56") []
pt2 = Prt 2 "treble" "Tromba II" "Trb.II" (Mid "1" "56") []
pt3 = Prt 3 "treble" "Corno da Caccia I" "Cor.I" (Mid "1" "69") []
pt4 = Prt 4 "treble" "Corno da Caccia II" "Cor.II" (Mid "1" "69") []
pt5 = Prt 5 "treble" "Oboe I" "Ob.I" (Mid "1" "68") []
pt6 = Prt 6 "treble" "Oboe II" "Ob.II" (Mid "1" "68") []
pt7 = Prt 7 "treble" "Violino I" "Vl.I" (Mid "1" "40") []
pt8 = Prt 8 "treble" "Violino II" "Vl.II" (Mid "1" "40") []
pt9 = Prt 9 "bass" "Basso" "B." (Mid "1" "43") []
pt10 = Prt 10 "tenor" "Gloria" "Gl." Unspec []
pt11 = Prt 11 "alto1" "Fama" "Fa." Unspec []
pt12 = Prt 12 "alto" "Virtu" "Vi." Unspec []
pt13 = Prt 13 "treble" "Flauta I" "Fl.I" (Mid "1" "73") []
pt14 = Prt 14 "treble" "Flauta II" "Fl.II" (Mid "1" "73") []
-- Prj Stave
met = Sq [ pa [1,2], pa [3,4] ]
mad = Sq [ pa [5,6], pa [13,14] ]
str = Sq [ br [7,8] ]
pers = sq [11,12,10]
bass = Sq [ the 9 ]
base = [ Sq [ pa [1,2], pa [3,4], pa [13,14], pa [5,6], br [7,8], sq [11,12,10] , the 9 ] ]
-- OLD: base = [ met, mad, str, pers, bass ]
-- Prj Sections
s1= Sct "Gloria" 1
(Sel [1..10])
(MLK "C" "1/4" "D") [ A "fol." $ gurl "2" "1v", hw ]
s2= Sct "Fama" 2
(Sel [7,8,9,fam])
(MLK "C" "1/4" "C") [ A "fol." $ gurl "34" "17v", js ]
s3= Sct "Virtu" 3
(Sel [3,4,13,14,7,8,9,vir])
(MLK "C" "1/4" "F") [ A "fol." $ gurl "47" "24r", js ]
s4= Sct "Fama" 4
(Sel [7,8,9,fam])
(MLK "C" "1/4" "C") [ A "fol." $ gurl "65" "33r", js ]
s5= Sct "Gloria" 5
(Sel [7,8,9,glo])
Free [ A "fol." $ gurl "77" "39r", js ]
s6= Sct "Virtu" 6
(Sel [5,6,7,8,9,vir])
(MLK "C" "1/8" "C") [ A "fol." $ gurl "87" "44r", js ]
s7= Sct "[Terceto]" 7
(Sel [1..12])
(MLK "C" "1/4" "G") [ A "fol." $ gurl "102" "51r", js ]
-- where
status = A "status" "under edition" -- default
hw = A "status" "half-way"
js = A "status" "just started"
vo = A "status" "void"
-- Abbreviations
glo = 10
fam = 11
vir = 12
-- Main
prj = initWSPproject
[ title, facsimile, namespace, introd ]
[ pt1 , pt10 , pt11, pt12, pt2 , pt3 , pt4 , pt5 , pt6 , pt7 , pt8 , pt9, pt13, pt14 ]
[s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7 ]
main = prj2jsonFile prj
-- checking invariants
ok = (matrixOk prj) && (riSP prj) && (riSS prj) && (matts prj)
-- Helper functions
gurl n t = url (facfol n) t where facfol x = ""++x++".html"
-- done
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