Works by Manuel Cardoso
import WikiScore
import Stave
import Abc
--------------------- Teresa Marinho --------------------------------------------------------
--------------------- aulas ---------------------------------------------------
--------------------- Detalhes a preencher --------------------------------------------------
-- Prj attributes
namespace = A "namespace" "cardoso"
musicby = "Frei Manuel Cardoso"
title = A "title" "Works by Manuel Cardoso"
facsimile = A "facsimile" ""
introd = A "Introduction" "Manuel Cardoso (baptized 11 December 1566 \8211 24 November 1650) was a Portuguese composer and organist. With Duarte Lobo and John IV of Portugal, he represented the \"golden age\" of Portuguese polyphony. (More in Wikipedia article: [[]]).\n"
-- Prj Parts
pt1 = Prt 1 "alto1" "Superius" "S." Unspec []
pt2 = Prt 2 "alto" "Altus" "A." Unspec []
pt3 = Prt 3 "tenor" "Tenor" "T." Unspec []
pt4 = Prt 4 "bass" "Bassus" "B." Unspec []
pt5 = Prt 5 "treble" "Superius II" "S.II" Unspec []
-- Prj Stave
base = [ Sq (map the $ [1,5]++[2..4]) ]
-- Prj Sections
s1= Sct "Panis Angelicus" 1
(Sel [1,5,2,3])
(MLK "C|" "1/4" "F") [ A "fol." $ gurl "A" "318", js ]
s2= Sct "Ecce mulier Chananaea" 2
(Sel [1..4])
(MLK "C|" "1/4" "F") [ A "fol." $ gurl "B" "278", js ]
s3= Sct "Domine, ne recorderis" 3
(Sel [1..4])
(MLK "C|" "1/4" "C") [ A "fol." $ gurl "C" "311", js ]
s4= Sct "Gloria, laus et honor (Gloria Laus)" 4
(Sel [1..4])
(MLK "C|" "1/4" "C") [ A "fol." $ gurl "D" "--", js ]
s5= Sct "Gloria, laus et honor (Ingrediente Domino)" 5
(Sel [1..4])
(MLK "C|" "1/4" "C") [ A "fol." $ gurl "E" "--", js ]
s6= Sct "Tristis est anima mea" 6
(Sel [1..4])
(MLK "C|" "1/4" "C") [ A "fol." $ gurl "F" "--", js ]
s7= Sct "Velum templi" 7
(Sel [1..4])
(MLK "C|" "1/4" "F") [ A "fol." $ gurl "C" "358", js ]
-- where
status = A "status" "under edition" -- default
hw = A "status" "half-way"
js = A "status" "just started"
vo = A "status" "void"
-- Abbreviations
-- Main
prj = initWSPproject
[ title, facsimile, namespace, introd ]
[ pt1 , pt2 , pt3 , pt4 , pt5 ]
[s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7]
main = prj2jsonFile prj
-- checking invariants
ok = (matrixOk prj) && (riSP prj) && (riSS prj) && (matts prj)
-- Helper functions
gurl s t = url (facfol s) t
where facfol s = ""++s++".pdf"
-- done
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