Demetrio a Rodi

Section 23: Coro

Part 15: Canto

C:Pugnani, Gaetano (1731-1798)
K: Cm
V: 15 clef=alto1 name="Canto" sname="Ct."
%%MIDI program 1 40
%%staves [{ 15 }]
%---- edit between the lines -------------------
[Q:"Andante"] Z6| c G c | c/>=B/ B z | c c >B |
w: Las-sa-\~no,ei | ge-mi-ti | Fre-na Eu- | 
B =A z| B c d | (f e) d | c c >B | =A2 z | B B B | (B c) B | 
w: ri-dice | Il ciel pro- | pi-zio | T'as-sis-te- | rà |Il ciel pro-|pi-i-zio |
f e d | e2 z| f e d | e2 z| f e d | e2 z||\
w: T'as-sis-te- | rà | T'as-sis-te- | rà | T'as-sis-te- | rà |

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demetrio/s23p15.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/27 17:21 by mps
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