Fiat Misericordia


import WikiScore
import Stave
import Abc

--------------------- Fiat Misericordia ------------------------------------------------------
---------------------        by           ----------------------------------------------------
---------------------  Joao Sousa Carvalho ---------------------------------------------------

-- Prj attributes

namespace = A "namespace" "fiat"
musicby   = "Joao de Sousa Carvalho (1745-1798)"
title     = A "title" "Fiat Misericordia"
facsimile = A "facsimile" ""
introd = A "Introduction" "João de Sousa Carvalho (22 February 1745 – 1798) was the foremost Portuguese composer of his generation. His numerous church works are written in a style similar to that of Niccolò Jommelli and, sometimes, Haydn. Several of his opere serie and serenatas were performed at the royal palaces of Ajuda and Queluz. Some of his keyboard music survives and is occasionally played today. (From the Wikipedia)"

-- Prj Parts

pt1 = Prt 1	"treble"	"Oboe I"	"Ob.I"		(Mid "1" "68")	[]
pt2 = Prt 2	"treble"	"Oboe II"	"Ob.II"		(Mid "1" "68")	[]
pt3 = Prt 3	"bass"	"Corno I"	"Cor.I"		(Mid "1" "69")	[]
pt4 = Prt 4	"bass"	"Corno II"	"Cor.II"	(Mid "1" "69") []
pt5 = Prt 5	"treble"	"Violini I"	"Vl.I"		(Mid "1" "40")	[]
pt6 = Prt 6	"treble"	"Violini II"	"Vl.II"	(Mid "1" "40")	[]
pt7 = Prt 7	"alto"	"Viole"	"Ve"		(Mid "1" "41")	[]
pt8 = Prt 8	"alto"	"Alto solo"	"A."		Unspec	[]
pt9 = Prt 9	"bass"	"Basso"	"B."		(Mid "1" "43")	[]

-- Prj Stave

base = [ Sq [ pa [1,2], pa [3,4], br [5,6], the 7, sq [8] , the 9 ] ]

-- Prj Sections

s1= Sct "Andante" 1
	(MLK "3/8" "1/8" "F") [ A "fol." "1", js ]
s2= Sct "Allegro" 2
	(MLK "C" "1/4" "F") [ A "fol" "17", js ]

-- where

status     = A "status" "under edition" -- default
hw         = A "status" "half-way"
js         = A "status" "just started"
vo         = A "status" "void"

-- Abbreviations

-- Main

prj = initWSPproject
             [ title, facsimile, namespace, introd ]
             [ pt1 , pt2 , pt3 , pt4 , pt5 , pt6 , pt7 , pt8 , pt9 ]
             [s1, s2]

main = prj2jsonFile prj

-- checking invariants

ok = (matrixOk prj) && (riSP prj) && (riSS prj) && (matts prj) 

-- Helper functions

gurl n t = url (facfol n) t where facfol x = ""++x++".html"

-- done

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fiat/spec.txt · Last modified: 2013/04/11 16:15 (external edit)
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