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Tantum Ergo, Kyrie, Gloria e Credo

Section 5: Agnus Dei

Part 8: Tenore

T:Agnus Dei
C:Bomtempo, Jo\~ao Domingues (1771-1842)
V: 8 clef=tenor name="Tenore" sname="T."
%%MIDI program 1 1
%%staves [[ 8 ]]
[Q:"Largetto"] !p! A,2A, !>!B,3 | A,2A, A, A, A, | B, B, B, B,2 D | E ^C z \
w: A-gnus De-i qui tol-lis pec-ca-ta pec-ca-ta mun-di
   !>!B,2B, | A,2A,!>!B,3 | A,2zz2z | \
   !p! F,2A,(C2^C) | D2=C =B, B, C | =B,2C B, B, B, | C2C(A,2G,) | G,2zz2z | z \
   !p! C C A,2=B, | C C z z2z | Z3 | \
   !f! ^C2C C C C | ^C C C C2C | ^C C !f! C C2 C | \

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tantum/s5p8.1455795783.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/18 12:43 by jno
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