Sonata for Violin and Bass in A major (B4)


import WikiScore
import Stave
import Abc

--------------------- Sonata in A major B4 ----------------------------------------------------
-- Prj attributes

namespace = A "namespace" "tartini"
musicby   = "Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770)"
title     = A "title" "Sonata for Violin and Bass in A major (B4)"
facsimile = A "facsimile" ""
introd    = A "Introduction" "One of the manuscript copies of this sonata by [[ | Giuseppe Tartini]] (1692-1770) bears the inscription\n\n  * Sonata \224 Violino, e Basso / Del / Sig.r Giuseppe Tartini / Composta dal / Sopra lo stile che suona / il Prette dalla Chitarra / Portoghese\n\nsee this [[ | record ]] at the Berkeley Music Library.\n\nAccording to [[|Ciacchi & Dellaborra, 2020]], the //prette portoghese// is Abott [[ | Ant\243nio da Costa]] (1714-1780?) with whom Tartini corresponded with. For more information, please see the [[abbate:index|duet for Violins]] and the three [[costa:index|trios for 3 Violins]] by the same composer.\n\nTo obtain the current version of this sonata please press button \8220**Build!**\8221 at the bottom-right corner of the matrix below.\n\n"

-- Prj Parts

pt1 = Prt 1    "treble"    "Violino"    "Vl."    (Mid "1" "40")  [] 
pt2 = Prt 2    "bass"      "Basso"      "B."     (Mid "2" "43")  []

-- Prj Stave

base = [ the 1, the 2 ]

-- Prj Sections

s1= Sct "Allegro" 1
        (MLK "C" "1/4" "A") [ A "fol." "86", hw ]
s2= Sct "Andante" 2
        (MLK "3/4" "1/4" "C") [ A "fol." "88", hw ]
s3= Sct "Allegro" 3
        (MLK "3/4" "1/4" "A") [ A "fol." "90", hw ]
s4= Sct "Menuet" 4
        (MLK "3/4" "1/4" "A") [ A "fol." "91", hw ]

-- where

status     = A "status" "under edition" -- default
hw         = A "status" "half-way"
js         = A "status" "just started"
vo         = A "status" "void"

-- Abbreviations

-- Main

prj = initWSPproject
             [ title, facsimile, namespace, introd ]
             [ pt1 , pt2 ]
             [s1, s2, s3, s4]

main = prj2jsonFile prj

-- checking invariants

ok = (matrixOk prj) && (riSP prj) && (riSS prj) && (matts prj)

-- Helper functions

-- done

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tartini/spec.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/30 21:25 (external edit)
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