import WikiScore
import Stave
import Abc
--------------------- A VIVANDEIRA - operetta ------------------------------------------------
-- Prj attributes
namespace = A "namespace" "vivandeira"
musicby = "Fonseca, Eduardo da (1863-1938)"
title = A "title" "A Vivandeira"
facsimile = A "facsimile" ""
libreto = A "libreto" ""
introd = A "Introduction" "Operetta for children written for the Asylum of Escola Municipal nr. 1, Porto, where it was performed on the 27th of April, 1913. **Eduardo da Fonseca** (1863-1938) was a music teacher and organist at Ordem do Carmo, Porto. He also ran a music printing company (\"Casa de Musicas Eduardo da Fonseca\") in Carlos Alberto Sq."
latex = A "latex" "%%pageheight\t29.7cm\n%%pagewidth\t21cm\n%%topmargin\t3cm\n%%botmargin\t2cm\n%%leftmargin\t1cm\n%%rightmargin\t1cm\n%%gchordfont Times-Roman 14\n%%titlefont Times-Roman 30\n%%subtitlefont Times-Roman 20\n%%composerfont Times-Italics 16\n%%setfont-1 Arial-Bold 17\n%%measurebox true\n%%measurenb\t0\n%%scale\t\t0.5\n%%begintext justify\nA VIVANDEIRA\n%%endtext\n"
-- Prj Parts
pt01 = Prt 1 "treble" "Flauta" "Fl." (Mid "1" "73") []
pt02 = Prt 2 "treble" "Violino I" "Vl.I" (Mid "1" "40") []
pt03 = Prt 3 "treble" "Violino II" "Vl. II" (Mid "1" "40") []
pt04 = Prt 4 "alto" "Viola" "Va" (Mid "1" "41") []
pt05 = Prt 5 "bass" "Cello" "Vc." Unspec []
pt06 = Prt 6 "bass" "Basso" "B." (Mid "1" "42") []
pt07 = Prt 7 "treble" "Piano" "P." (Mid "1" "1") []
pt08 = Prt 8 "bass" "" "" (Mid "1" "1") [A "obs" "bass of 26"]
pt09 = Prt 9 "treble" "Ambrosio" "Amb." Unspec []
pt10 = Prt 10 "treble" "Josepha" "Jos." Unspec []
pt11 = Prt 11 "treble" "Raymundo" "Ray." Unspec []
pt12 = Prt 12 "treble" "Canto" "Can." Unspec []
pt13 = Prt 13 "treble" "Coro" "Cor." Unspec []
-- Prj Stave
mad = Sq [ the 1 ]
str = Sq [ br [2,3], the 4, the 5, the 6 ]
pers = sq [9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
piano = Sq [ br [7,8] ]
base = [ Sq [ the 1, br [2,3], the 4, the 5, the 6, pers, br [7,8] ] ]
-- base = [ mad, str, pers, piano ]
-- dparts = mflatten base
-- Prj Sections
-- abbreviations
fla = 1
amb = 9
jos = 10
ray = 11
can = 12
cor = 13
pft = [7,8]
strings = [2..6]
bss = 6
status = A "status" "under edition"
-- Act 1 --------------------------------------------------------------
s1= Sct "N.1 Rataplan (Ambrosio)" 1
(Sel $ amb:fla:strings++pft)
(MLK "6/8" "1/8" "D") [ A "fol." $ gurl "ABC" "01" "1", status ]
s2= Sct "N.2 Fado (Josepha)" 2
(Sel $ jos:fla:strings++pft)
(MLK "C" "1/4" "C") [ A "fol." $ gurl "ABC" "02" "2", status ]
s3= Sct "N.3 Josepha, Ambrosio e Raimundo" 3
(Sel $ amb:jos:ray:fla:strings++pft)
(MLK "2/4" "1/4" "C") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "03" "3", status ]
s4= Sct "N.4 Duo de Josepha e Ambrosio" 4
(Sel $ amb:jos:fla:strings++pft)
(MLK "3/4" "1/4" "D") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "04" "4", status ]
s5= Sct "N.5 Marcha e coro militar" 5
(Sel $ can:fla:strings++pft) -- can=CORO??
(MLK "2/4" "1/8" "A") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "05" "5", status ]
s6= Sct "N.6 Impedido" 6
(Sel $ can:fla:(strings)++pft)
(MLK "3/4" "1/4" "D") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "06" "6", status ]
s7= Sct "N.7 Schottisch do 37" 7
(Sel $ can:fla:strings++pft) -- WHO SINGS??
(MLK "C|" "1/4" "G") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "07" "7", status ]
s8= Sct "N.8 Conto do Sargento" 8
(Sel $ ray:fla:strings++pft) -- assuming sargent is Raymundo
(MLK "6/8" "1/8" "G") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "08" "8", status ]
s9= Sct "N.9 Duo de Josepha e Ambrosio" 9
(Sel $ amb:jos:fla:strings++pft)
(MLK "6/8" "1/8" "F") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "09" "9", status ]
-- Act 2 --------------------------------------------------------------
s10= Sct "N.10 Dueto [2nd Act]" 10
(Sel $ amb:ray:fla:strings++pft)
(MLK "3/4" "1/4" "D") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "10" "10", status ]
s11= Sct "N.11 Raymundo" 11
(Sel $ ray:fla:strings++pft)
(MLK "4/4" "1/4" "G") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "11" "11", status ]
s12= Sct "N.12 Cancao do soldado" 12
(Sel $ can:fla:strings++pft)
(MLK "6/8" "1/8" "D") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "12" "12", status ]
s13= Sct "N.13 Solo e coro" 13
(Sel $ amb:jos:ray:cor:fla:strings++pft)
(MLK "6/8" "1/8" "C") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "13" "13", status ]
s14= Sct "N.14 Brinde" 14
(Sel $ ray:cor:fla:strings++pft)
(MLK "2/4" "1/4" "Bb") [ A "fol." $ gurl "AB" "14" "14", status ]
-- the END -------------------------------------------------------------
prj = initWSPproject
[ title, facsimile, libreto, namespace, introd , latex ]
[ pt01 , pt02 , pt03 , pt04 , pt05 , pt06 , pt07 , pt08 , pt09, pt10, pt11, pt12, pt13 ]
where act1 = [ s1 , s2 , s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14 ]
act2 = []
main = prj2jsonFile prj
-- checking invariants
ok = (matrixOk prj) && (riSP prj) && (riSS prj)
-- Helper functions
gurl s n t = url (facfol s n) t
where facfol s x = ""++s++"-"++x++".pdf"
-- done
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